엑셀다운, 숫자를 문자로 인식

관리자 | 2013.01.21 15:09 | 조회 9497

$dir = "../..";
include "$dir/inc/connect.php";
include "$dir/inc/config.php";
$coin_idx = $_REQUEST['index_no'];
$ar_c = sel_query("${basictb}_coin_shop","list_name"," where index_no='$coin_idx'");
header( "Content-type: application/" );
header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$ar_c[list_name]."_".date('Y-m-d').".xls" );
header( "Content-Description: PHP4 Generated Data" );
print("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"application/;charset=euc-kr\">");
$q = "select * from ${basictb}_coin_order where shop_idx = '$coin_idx' and send_date='' order by index_no desc";
$r = mysql_query($q);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))

mysql_query("update ${basictb}_coin_order set send_date = '$date' where index_no = $row[index_no]");
$ar_m = sel_query("${basictb}_member","name,cp"," where index_no='$row[mem_idx]'");
<td style='mso-number-format:\@;'><?=str_replace("-","",$ar_m['cp'])?></td>

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>> [PHP] 엑셀다운, 숫자를 문자로 인식 관리자 9498 2013.01.21 15:09
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Warning: Unknown: write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (./_tmp/session) in Unknown on line 0