eclipse 3.7 pdt php 셋팅방법

관리자 | 2013.01.21 15:12 | 조회 7858

From Update Site


  • Installed and running Eclipse Classic 3.7

The minimum package is Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary. It is available at here
Any packages in Eclipse Downloads page are available also.

Installation Flow

  • Open Help -> Install New Software.
  • Select the Indigo update site.
  • When the list of existing features is populated - select 'PHP Development Tools'.
  • Make sure 'Contact all update sites...' is checked.

Proceed with the installation by pressing 'Next', then press 'Next' again in the next screen.

  • Accept the EULA when asked:
  • Finish the installation. Restart Eclipse.
  • After restarting switch to the PHP perspective, and you are done:
  • Additional Installation

    If you need Mylyn features,

    • Help -> Install New Software
    • Select Indigo
    • Expand 'Collaboration'
    • Check following features (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies)
      • Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE
      • Mylyn Tasks Connector: Bugzilla
      • Mylyn WikiText
    • Proceed installation

    If you need RSE(Remote System Explorer) features,

    • Help -> Install New Software
    • Select Indigo
    • Expand 'Mobile and Device Development'
    • Check following feature (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies)
      • Remote System Explorer End-User Runtime
    • Proceed installation

    If you need Eclipse Marketplace feature,

    • Help -> Install New Software
    • Select Indigo
    • Expand 'General Purpose Tools'
    • Check following feature (some other features will be installed automatically because of dependencies)
      • Marketplace Client
    • Proceed installation

    If You Are

    • Using Windows Vista/7
      • Do not pair 32bit Eclipse and 64bit JRE/JDK or vice versa. Use 32bit Eclipse on 32bit JRE/JDK, or 64bit Eclipse on 64bit JRE/JDK.
      • Do not install Eclipse under 'Program Files' or 'Program Files(x86)' folder.
    • Using Linux distro
      • Make sure SWT requirements if you have troubles with Content Assist or Internal Web Browser.
        • CSS styles appear in Content Assist Information.
        • Internal Web Browser is unavailable (cannot be opened or such).

    간단하게 요약하면 이클립스 3.7 인디고에서는 pdt 3.0 을 설치해야됨...

    인터넷 검색하면 거의다 2.0 대 버전설치방법만 나와 있어서 계속 오류 뿜어댐...

    업데이트 누른후 좀 기다려야 업데이트 항목뜨니깐 참고바랍니다.

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